Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Top Tweets I Love from Nyah

Hahah these are some of the tweets I find amusing from Nyah (that was her previous twitter ID, recently she changed it to Tasah). When I'm feeling all glum and gloomy, I'll look at these tweets. They made me laugh, like really.

The first 1, disebabkan ada perkataan chicken nuggets tu lah membuatkan tweet nie my all-time favorite.

The next 3, tweet ala2 cinta kene reject, ak rasa mmg betul pun bende die tweet nie tapi, x tau kenapa ak rasa lawak pun ada.

The next 7, is tweet perli orang. Yang kadang kala nya terkena batang hidung sendiri especially on kegemukan, berat badan and bab pakwe tuh hahahahah

The last 4, is my all-time favorite tweet. Everytime kalo baca tweet nie mmg konfem tergelak punya hahahaha

Sebenarnye banyak lagi tweet best dari die, yang about life, love and real world. But I wanted to post the happy and funny ones. Because I want people to feel happy. If you're happy, then I'm happy too :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fynn Jamal Again

Hari ini saya nak repost 2 status Fynn Jamal yang sangat menarik perhatian saya. I adore this woman's courage so much I want to somehow be like her in some ways someday.

First: About her mother.

sejak mak pergi 20 tahun lepas,
cuma dua kali aku tanya abah pasal mak.

kedua2 kalinya--
abah takkan mampu balas lebih dari tiga ayat.
tak bersudah ceritanya.
termati dek airmata dan sedu-sedan dia.

kali pertama--
di suatu pagi raya.
jawab sepatah dua-- terus hilang ke dapur.

sudah menangis di sinki.
rasa berdosanya membikin dia runtun--
tuhan sahaja tahu.

aku cakap pada diri sendiri.
tak apalah.

tapi yelah.
siapa tak mau tau.

"siapa mak?"
"macammana dia?"
banyak mana aku nak tau--
aku diamkan dulu.

kemudian kali kedua.

terkeluar ketika cuti bulan kelmarin ketika aku di malaysia.
mungkin kerana terlalu caught in the moment berbual tentang anak semenjak menjadi seorang bonda.

"macammana mak, bah? dengan anak2nya?"
celupar mulut aku.
terlepas tanya.
menyesal sedikit.
mahu ditarik, sudah terhulur.
dan sedang pula kami di dalam kereta.
tak dapat abah hendak ke mana2.

hendak tak hendak--
terpaksa disahut dia.

dia jawab:
"macam awak."

jantung aku mati.
mata aku pecah.
nafas aku hilang.

"lembutnya. manjanya.
macammana awak dengan juna.
begitulah dia.

dengan suami--
macam awak dengan fitri.
manjanya. nakalnya."

tak perlu diceritakan lagi.
bersama2 aku dan abah mengongoi berdua dalam kereta.
suami aku di ruang pemandu mencapai bahu aku di belakang kerusinya. meramas seolah memberitahu "kuat, kekasih. kuat. berhenti nangisnya".

perjalanan dari johor baru ke kota tinggi tak pernah sejauh itu aku rasa.
sejauh imajinasi aku membayang bagaimana agaknya kalau mak masih ada.

soalan2 yang hendak aku tanya di masa2 juna lebam bengkak.
petua2 yang dia ada untuk melekas rimas gatal gusi anak.
amalan2 yang boleh dikongsi untuk mereda kembung budak.

namun yang aku cuma ada adalah cermin yang merata.
menjumpai dia adalah mencari dia di setiap inci tulang temulang dan kedut di kedut wajah aku.

adalah aku.

moga2 satu hari nanti--
bila datang hari tidak lagi aku berada di muka bumi
namun di tengah perutnya--
dapat siapa2 menceritakan pada sang anakanda aku siapa bondanya.

bondamu, wahai bakti arjuna fitri,
adalah kamu.
dan kamu--
adalah bukti cinta sesama manusia.

kalau dicari bondamu--
berbuatlah kebaikan.
sebarkan cinta.


cuba kalau benda dalam rumah settle dalam rumah.
cuba jangan suka berkongsi masalah.
cuba ajar diri tu tadah dugaan sorang2 diam2.
cuba nangis kat sejadah mintak semuanya tenggelam.

sebab kita kena yakin dugaan akan habis.
bersangkabaik dengan tuhan yang maha bijaksana memberi sebaik2 pengakhiran.

rabbi yassir walaa tu'assir.
rabbi tammim bilkhair.

tuhanku permudahlah dan jangan dipersulit.
tuhanku tamatkanlah dengan sebaik2 kesudahan.

pengakhiran tak semestinya urusan maut sahaja.
termasuklah masalah2 dunia atau apa saja.

maka kalau kita sudah yakin tuhan selalu bubuhkan keindahan di setiap hujung kesusahan,
kenapa kita perlu teruskan mengadu domba memanjang cerita menyebar kisah untuk terus dipersepah?

ali gaduh dengan abu.
ali pergi pada ahmad.

ahmad komfem backing puna.
bff la katakan.
tup2 esok ali baik dengan abu.
ah parah.
ahmad ni macammana?
dia dah panggil askar dah nak serang abu.

diam itu sentiasa terbaik.


boleh tak?

dan cuba tak perlu tulis besar2 / cakap kuat2 slogan "aku berani kerana aku benar" sebab hakikatnya ia sudah basi dek redundancy yakni keterlebihbiasaan digunakan sehari waima orang yang bersalah sekali pun.

kerana sesungguhnya--
kalau BENAR kita benar--
kita benar.

itu saja.

tuhan tau. apa lagi hendak?
"anugerah paling betul dalam dunia?"

tuhan kan ada.


dan oh.
alang2 sedang suruh cuba macam2 ni--

cuba kalau hendak tunjuk sedih dan nangis--
keluarkan airmata.

kata pelakon.
basic scene menangis pun gagal?

takkan la...
cane boleh dapat job?


Dear Mama,

It has been a while since I wrote to you. Consecutive matters are keeping my hands busy. I have always been wanting to visit you. I have been wanting to go there since forever, but works and distance kept me from doing so. I promise when I get the chance, I will do it. I always took a short moment to pray for you and reminisce every single thing about you. I really miss you Mama.
There was this one time, when I just abruptly broke into tears. It probably was the tiredness and the load of works that made me stressed out and cry. I can't be happy, every single playful joke I heard hurts me and every word that people said just don’t make any sense. I guess it all just came bursting out and I cried hysterically.
I never thought that, this point will come some time or another. I always forget all the glum when I’m at work. Friends surrounding me replace all those with glee but at that time, everything just went bleak.
There was time like this where I cried a thousand tears for you after you’re gone and it kills me that it happens again. It pains me. It really does, being slapped by the realization, yet again, that you’re gone.

I'm sorry if this was depressing to anyone, I just need some place to channel out all this negativity inside me.

The Worst Fever Ever

I hate it when I fell sick. I remembered maybe a year ago, I had to go through this super bad fever in Kota Damansara. I was alone that weekend, my housemate went back to her hometown in Perak. So we're both like 3 hours away from each other. But my condition was getting worst at night, I had a hard time breathing, my body was freezing and both my body and head aches very badly. Now, don't mention about driving to the clinic, I can't even walk to the kitchen to get myself some water. Last thing I remembered doing before I passed out at 4 AM in the morning was, I texted my housemate "Dibah, balik sini cepat, aku rasa ak macam nak mati" (Dibah, please come back soon, I'm dying here). I'm not even exaggerating, that was some near-death experience I went through last year. The next thing I remembered, my housemate drove me to the hospital and I was admitted for several hours there.

This time same thing happened again, the fever was not as bad as last year's but what made this fever worst was that I had no one to count on. My housemate was gone, up on a rig somewhere in PMO. I can't call my family because I don't want them to be worried, looking at the time (10:30 PM) I guess all my friends' already went to bed since the next day is Monday. But Allah tu kan Maha Kuasa and Maha Penyayang, Dia hanta jugak anyone yang boleh buat aku tak rasa sunyi sangat time aku demam, I managed to text and tweet some friends before I passed out at 11:30 PM. The next day when I woke up, my Whatsapp was filled with messages from my colleagues asking if I was feeling okay, sebab dia orang tengok MOC ak off je. Thank you Allah, for those company You sent me. I felt blessed.

Bila demam atau sakit macam nie, selalunya orang yang kita akan rindu confirm family kita, lepas tu baru kita teringat kawan ke, or the other half ke. Macam aku, kalau ak sakit, ake mesti teringat parents first thing first. Aku akan teringat arwah Mama, Mama dulu selalu masak favorite food Syaza everytime Syaza demam, dengan harapan, kalau Syaza dapat makan makanan favorite boleh cepat sembuh la. Teringat Ayah, Ayah la yang akan tolong dukung masuk kereta, drive pegi klinik, amik ubat semua. Dia orang akan ambil cuti semata mata nak jaga Syaza yang sakit. Masa aku pergi belajar dekat US pun, kawan2 la yg selalu tolong bila ak jatuh sakit, aku teringat Kuyah, Kuyah selalu masak bubur ayam bila aku demam, aku teringat Dibah, yang selalu concern and jaga aku, Imanie and Totoy yg penah hanta aku pergi hospital yg jauh kat mana ntah kat Colorado dulu. I don't know how can I ever balas semua perbuatan baik korang terhadap aku. Korang memang sahabat dunia akhirat. We may not see each other that often tapi, ak sentiasa ingat korg bila aku berdoa kat Allah, tu je yang paling terbaik aku boleh buat utk korang. Tapi yang paling penting aku nak melahirkan rasa syukur kat Allah, sbb tanpa Dia, our path might never crossed each other's. Alhamdulillah, with His fate, we met and became of what we are now. Thank you.

P/s: I deleted the photo attached to this post on April 22, 2021

Saturday, June 8, 2013

You Are The Love Of My Life, Everyone Else Is Just A Waste Of Time

This is The Tango scene from a movie called Scent Of A Woman starring the great Al Pacino.

This scene is one of the most beautiful scene I've ever watched in any movie ever produced on earth. It makes me happy and teary eyed sometimes whenever I watched this. Not to mention, I love "Por Una Cabeza" playing in the background, making the scene as romantic and precious as ever. It's definitely one of the greatest music piece ever invented.

In a nutshell, this scene is just SPECTACULAR!

Dear Future Husband,
Let's tango away like this when we're married. You'll be Al Pacino and I'll be Gabrielle. And we'll live happily ever after  :)

Tu es l'amour de ma vie, tout le monde est juste une perte de temps.

Anwar Hadi & Matluthfi

I had to post this in Malay. Sorry to my non-Malay readers. I think I would express this better in my mother-tongue language.

"Kau lihat aku, aku pula lihat dia, samakah kita? #TeukBelakang First time jumpak mamat ni."

Too much awesomeness in this picture. Anwar Hadi & Matluthfi, nama yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang selalu mengikuti perkembangan vlogger-vlogger di Malaysia.

Dua manusia ini lah yang banyak mengajar aku erti hidup dan perubahan. Bukan nak kata insan lain tidak mengajar, tetapi mereka berdua menyampaikan sesuatu yang sangat berguna dalam cara yang ringan. Bukan melalui paksaan tetapi dengan nasihat lembut.

Bukan senang mahu berubah, hendak menasihati orang perlulah dengan cara yang betul, secara perlahan-lahan bukan dengan paksaan dan kata-kata cerca. Diri kita semua tidak sempurna, jangan ingat diri anda bagus dari yang lain, jangan tegur orang yang serba kekurangan dengan niat mahu menunjuk-nunjuk dan merasakan diri itu lagi betul. Nak berdakwah pun ada caranya. Nak berubah perlukan masa, bukan sekelip mata.

Terima kasih kepada dua insan ini, kerana sedikit sebanyak mampu membuka mata saya untuk berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. I wish there would be more people like you guys. In sya Allah, saya sedang cuba untuk ubah diri ini ke arah yang lagi baik. Alhamdulillah, can't thank you enough Ya Allah, atas semua teman yang Kau hantar untuk selalu berada disampingku untuk memberi kata kata positif dan sokongan kepada diriku. Sesungguhnya aku sangat bersyukur terhadap semua benda yang telah terjadi dalam hidupku, sama ada suka atau duka, kerana ia sangat mengajar aku tentang erti kehidupan. Terima kasih kerana tabahkan diri ini untuk terus lalui hidup yang masih tidak pasti ini. Sama-sama kita semua berdoa agar diri kita dapat berubah dan menuju ke arah yang lebih baik, in sya Allah.

P/s: Gambar di atas itu diambil dari Anwar Hadi's Instagram. Credit goes to you Anwar Hadi.

Of Mirae's Instag & Jodoh

Here's the thing; no prince can complete you, and no knight can save you. Only God can.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

5 Thoughts I Had When My Period Is Late

I just had to post this! How effing true can this be!? So much! Oh, and please don't be offended by this post, I know how conservative some people can be, but this is just for the sake of posting facts on my blog. OK!?

1. “I didn’t even have sex, but I’m definitely pregnant.”

And even if you didn’t actually have sex, your batshit-insane brain can’t help but make up some absurd story about how you might have accidentally sat on some dried semen on a subway seat or something horrific like that and now you are magically pregnant for no reason. You are ready to accept the idea that you are the second coming of Mary and you are with Divine Child rather than than just be calm about the whole thing. When your period is late, there is only panic and pain.

2. “Why don’t men have to experience this? It’s so unfair.”

The resentment that you feel towards the clueless guy who could have possibly made this happen — if there even is a “this” to begin with — is unmatched. It’s just so fucking unfair, and no matter how much they try to comfort you in the moment, they will never understand the struggle.

3. “I am so irresponsible.”

You immediately look at your life. You look at your choices. You look at your tendency to go out until all hours of the night and end up in ridiculous photos on Facebook the next morning. You are clearly in a phase of your life that has to do with changes, and adventure, and travel, and mistakes — not kids. You never really understand how irresponsible the 20s can be until you are faced with something that makes you consider what an adult actually is, and how you are not at all in that position yet. And even though you love your current phase of “being a little too crazy a little too often,” you know that it’s not sustainable. And you know that there is too much growing up and having awesome things happen in the future that don’t involve having a kid right now.

4. “I’m not even that religious, but I need to pray right now.”

Everyone becomes spiritual in moments of difficulty, and you are no exception. Even if you never tell anyone, there is likely going to come a moment when you are lying in bed facing the ceiling and you think, “Please, God, if you’re out there — I know I am a complete fool and I should be more careful in my life, but please don’t do this to me. I have too much awesome shit coming up and I really can’t deal with this right now. I promise that, if you save me right now, I’ll do something really good. I’ll give more money to charity or I’ll help my friend move or I won’t steal my neighbor’s internet anymore. I promise. I love you, don’t do this to me.”

5. “I am even more broke than I thought I was.”

Don’t look at your bank account when you are late. Just don’t do it. No matter how broke/in poor control of your finances you imagined you were before this happened, get ready to raise it to the power of 10 when you consider the extremely expensive ramifications of the current situation. No matter what you plan to do if worst comes to worst, it’s all going to be more money than you have at the ready. And it will immediately make you feel like any progress you have made as an adult is completely erased in your new predicament.