Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Fastest 4 Years In Our Life

I'll try to make this entry short and sweet. It's been two years since I myself graduated from college, and the feeling is just ... it feels just like yesterday. This entry is dedicated to all of my juniors in CSM who just graduated from college two weeks ago. Proud of all of you.

So here you all are. Sometime between four and however many years it took, you’re leaving college.Where to from here? The answer to that question is varied. Many of you know (or claim to know) exactly the next step to take, whether that step is an internship, a full-time job, or even a backpacking trip through Europe. Others, will tell you that they have no idea. The big thing about college is learning about yourself. The last four years has definitely changed you. You're a totally different person than you were coming in as a freshman four years ago. I hope you're also a better one. You’ve learned so much about so much—your field, your interests, yourself, and so on—you would feel like, "were I to go back in time, my younger self wouldn’t even recognize me!" You can only hope this passion for learning carries over when you have to search out the info yourself instead of going to class and taking notes. I supposed real-life experience will teach all of us a lot either way.
To everyone who touched our lives, we say thank you. To parents who stood by us no matter what. To teachers who tried to instill in us a passion for learning. To administrators who wanted to make our college experiences as amazing as possible. To advisors who helped us decide what path to take. To friends who were there for pizza parties, study sessions, and everything in between. And to all those others we depend on. Without them—without each other—there would be no purpose to being here where we are now, no way to advance. Life, like society, is exactly what we make of it. And so, Colorado School of Mines Class of 2013, CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! It’s certainly a huge milestone. I’m sure most of you will remember that day—if not the night after—clearly for the rest of your lives.

On an informal note I would like to write this in Malay, there's no way I could express this in other language :)

Seriously, aku ucapkan congratulations utk korg, I know how that four years feel, susah senang, jatuh bangkit dgn kawan2 sume. That moment is absolutely precious. 4 tahun tu mengajar kita something, buat kita lebih kenal kawan2. And seriously rindu korang sume, cepat2 lah balik, nanti ramai2 keje kat KL boleh hangout together macam dulu2. I want it to be like the old times. And I have personal thanks to make to all these people:

Chang, Lupi & Pokchek - seriously, I love you! No one can replace my Chang, Lupi & Pocek. Thanks sebab selalu dengar story2 ak, masalah2 ak, selalu jaga aku, masak utk ak, lepak2 ngan ak, buat ak gelak time ak nak nangis. X de org yg bole replace korg. Walaupun korg sume muda dari ak, tapi ak rasa korg cm kakak2 abang2 ak pulak, I felt so close to you guys sometimes even more that friends in my own batch. Really thank you! Thank you sbb berjaya menahan dgn diri ak yg immature nie and my overactive tearducts :)

Sadiq, Jazli & Nadiah - korg source of my happiness time ak serabut. Bila serabut mmg wajib carik korg nk jamming seriously. Kalo dapat jamming ngan korg mmg boleh lupa masalah kejap. Main rockband ke or yg dance2 tu ke. And Sadiq, serious, ko dah banyak tolong aku masa kat CSM, be it homework EPICS or ape2 je lah, hahah glad to have the chance to know you. And Jazli selalu ngan lawak slamber nye, my favorite drummer. And Nadiah, slalu bagi ak main keyboard, and slalu mekap kan aku bila ada event and teman ak bila nk borak2 pasal shopping or shoes or handbags (pengganti kak Khairina lah kau Nadiah hahah)

And others: Wahid, Ikhlas, Bad, Fena, Nan, Daveen, Panda & Ezuan - Thank you korang sume for being a part of my life in CSM, it was precious to me and I hope to you as well, walaupun kita jarang melakukan aktiviti bersama hahah Wahid, the one yg ak slalu seek out pasal hal2 agama.  Ikhlas, dulu masa ak merempat kat rumah kau, ak ingat kau masak kari Ikan, thank you. Bad & Fena, selamat pengantin 'x berapa baru', cepat2 dapat baby heheh Nan & Daveen student rock prop ak dulu, sorry kalo ak garang hahah sampai skarang pun garang dengan junior kat tmpt keje, it's just me, being garang. Panda, ak ingat lagi masa ak tarik kau buat confession kat rumah Annex malam tu, oh my gosh, that night ak x lupa sampai skarang, rasa lawak pun ada. And Ezuan, yg bijak and always in his calm and collected self, thanks for the choki2 u bring back to me masa summer, mula2 nk simpan x nk makan, tapi habis jugak dlm seminggu heeeee.

P/s: Masa first time korg jumpa aku, mesti korg ingat bajet gila minah nie, sombong gila kannn tak tgk org kiri kanan. Tapi ak mmg mcm tu, pemalu skit nk tegur org baru, takes time, but once u know me, ak memang pelik (I have nothing good to say about myself anyways hahah)

All in all, hope u guys are ready to embark on a new journey. Good luck to all of you!

P/s: I deleted the photo on April 22, 2021

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