Friday, May 31, 2013

‘Mean Girls’ Quotes That Make Everyday Life Worth Living

Quoting Mean Girls isn’t just a sport. It’s a national pastime. Mean Girls is how we make sense of the world, giving the chaos of the universe a recognizable template by which to understand it. With that in mind, I compiled a list of my most-used Mean Girls quotes, in no particular order. This list is in no way an objective compilation, and you may find that your favorite quips vastly differ from mine. That’s one of the great things about it: it’s an endless source of humor to pull from, a veritable Bartlett’s for our age.

1. “Get in loser. We’re going shopping.”

2. “Ex-boyfriends are off-limits to friends. That’s just, like, the rules of feminism.”

3. “We only carry sizes one, three and five. You could try Sears.”

4. “That’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.”

5. “But you’re, like, really pretty… So you agree? You think you’re really pretty?”

6. “I don’t hate you ‘cause your fat. You’re fat ‘cause I hate you!”

7. “I want to lose three pounds.”

8. “I have a nephew named Anfernee, and I know how mad he gets when I call him Anthony. Almost as mad as I get when I think about the fact that my sister named him Anfernee.”

9. “’Cause she’s a life ruiner. She ruins people’s lives.”

10. “On Wednesdays we wear pink.”

11. “Made out with a hot dog? Oh my God that was one time!”

12. “Why should Caesar get to stomp around like a giant, while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? What’s so great about Caesar? Hmm? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar. Brutus is just as smart as Caesar. People totally like Brutus just as much as they like Caesar. And when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody, huh? Because that’s not what Rome is about. We should totally just stab Caesar!”

13. “You smell like a baby prostitute.”

14. “Somebody wrote in that book that I’m lying about being a virgin because I use super jumbo tampons, but I can’t help it if I’ve got a heavy flow and a wide set vagina!”

15. “Everyone in Africa can read Swedish.”

16. “Oh my God, Danny DeVito! I love your work!”

17. “I can’t go to Taco Bell. I’m on an all-carb diet. God, Karen, you are so stupid!”

18. “If you’re from Africa, why are you white?”

19. “There are two kinds of evil people in this world. Those who do evil stuff and those who see evil stuff being done and don’t try to stop it.”

20. “She doesn’t even go here!”

21. “Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries.”

22. "4 for you Glen Coco. You go Glen Coco."

23. "Don't have sex, because you will get pregnant and die."

24. "Oh, hell no, I did not leave the south side for this!"

25. "Is butter a carb?"

26. "You can't sit with us!"

27. "You can go shave your back now."

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

19 Things That Will Always Make You Feel Fat

1. Eating something really messy in bed which gets crumbs and/or mysterious liquid all over you. This goes double if you’re perched on some pillows watching TV on your laptop while eating.

2. Seeing people run by in fantastic-looking running clothes and jogging in place at the stoplight while you’re standing there just idly waiting to go.

3. Running into an old friend you haven’t seen in a while who has gotten in really amazing shape and looks effortlessly fit. (Don’t even start if it’s an ex who has gotten into such good shape.)

4. Personal pizzas.

5. Getting a full-size bag or box of a snack food and telling yourself while waiting in line that you’re only going to eat a little bit of it, even though we all know that you’re going to go home and plow through it in one go.

6. The thirty minutes right after you eat McDonald’s.

7. Putting on a pair of jeans when they’re fresh out of the dryer and thus about a size and a half smaller than they are supposed to be.

8. Realizing that the clothes you bought a while ago with the intention to slim down so as to fit into them are still as unwearable ever. (And then proceeding to stick them even further into the recesses of your closet.)

9. Watching everyone around you order a dainty salad when all you want is an enormous, greasy burger.

10. Realizing that you can’t remember the last time you had a real, challenging workout that left you sore and confident afterwards.

11. That feeling of overwhelming dread when you know that everyone wants to go swimming and you have not worn a bathing suit for an extended period of time.

12. The moment at the end of the day where you catch yourself in the mirror and realize your tummy has sloped significantly outwards since the time you woke up.

13. Overhearing incredibly thin girls talk about how fat they feel, even though you are clearly twice their size and within earshot.

14. Feeling your belt being strained by the pressure of your stomach after a particularly large meal.

15. Eating something sloppy and absurd (such as a burrito or a slice of pizza) as you walk down the street in broad daylight.

16. Being stopped mid-walk by the smell of potential barbecue wafting from several blocks away.

17. Being caught staring at food porn blogs while you are supposed to be working, and finding it slightly harder to explain than regular porn blogs.

18. Finishing a pint of Ben and Jerry’s before you even realized you had eaten half of it.

19. Hearing someone tell you that you lost weight, even though you hadn’t realized you had any weight to lose or had even been working out/paying attention to what you eat. Immediately wondering what you must have looked like before.

Yeah, We Were. But Now, We're Not.

Taylor Swift on getting her heart broken a few times.
“It’s very complex; you’re never feeling just sad. Maybe you wake up and you feel sad, and then you get angry, and then you feel like ‘I’m fine’, and then you feel confident, and then you feel a sense of doubt, and then you’re insecure, and then there’s jealousy, and then you’re back to sad – and then you feel fine again”

Monday, May 27, 2013

What My PMS Would Sound Like If It Could Talk

PMS is awesome. What’s more fun than feeling bloated, tired, and cranky all at once for no reason? NOTHING.

Here’s what my PMS Monster would sound like if she could talk:

OMG how fucking sad is The Way We Were, you guys?

I should eat an entire sleeve of saltines (and a brownie).

Mustard is so good on cheese, AMIRITE?

This Folgers commercial is the effing saddest thing I have ever seen. Like ever.


How did I get SO fat, SO fast?

I don’t care if you have 3 kids in your car, lady, I’ll flip the bird and mouth “fuck you” if you pull out in front of me, I AM LATE FOR WORK AND IT’S EVERYONE ELSE’S FAULT.

“Yeah hi, is this the hospital? I think I pulled a muscle in my right eye from rolling it with too much force.”

Cake for dinner? OK. CAKE FOR DINNER.

“Honestly, who fucking cares?” –internal thoughts to half the stuff anyone is saying to me when I’m in THE MOOD


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Of KhairyKJ

Saw this picture on KhairyKJ's instagram and was touched by the caption he wrote about this picture.

"Abs & Adik, No matter what happens, you will always have each other. Always."
Abs here refers to the older brother while Adik refers to the younger brother.
I wish me and my younger brother were like this when we were little. Missing my childhood so much.

Tout cet argent ne peut pas m'acheter une machine de temps

Alina Amir's

Alina Amir is my previous student association (ATUSA) president during I was in college prep at INTEC. She has always been one of the people who I have sense of respect and adoration. This post is taken from her recent Facebook status. I thought it was inspirational and hopefully her message gets to you in any way.

So here’s a public confession: After 4 months into teaching, I came back from a class this morning, put my books on my desk, coolly walked to the ladies, and broke down; with tears, sobs, frantically fanned myself with my hands thinking that could help calm me down, the whole enchilada. Something I have not done for a very long time. 
In the last four months, I could have cried when I had kids calling me a prostitute in mandarin, or that time when a kid told me I should not mess with him because his dad is part of the notorious along gangster crew (which I have never heard of and the phrase “ignorance is bliss” could not have rung truer), or that time when I was wolf whistled at for weeks wherever I went, or when a disruptive boy decided get up in the middle of my lesson, ran around the room and banged every table before he ran out of the class despite me calling after him and then having him come back and literally went on the floor, hugging my feet and begged for my forgiveness the same day, or when I was locked in the school building and then had to come out through the roof (long story) or when a big fat rat, literally, decided to chill right in front of my front door. Those were legit reasons to cry if I wanted to cry. But I didn’t. Not a single tear rolled down my cheeks. I stood up to my boys, I had sleepless nights thinking of strategies to get my kids to just sit down for a single lesson, told every kid who threatened me to bring it on, went to every boy who wolf whistled and threw inappropriate remarks at me, looked them straight in the eyes and said, “how dare you”. I have got nothing to lose and I am sure, as hell is not scared of anybody, no matter who your daddy is. 
This morning however, was different. In fact, I wasn’t teaching at all this morning. I was in a form 4 class, of which I only teach PJK to the six of the girls every week. So what was I doing with the entire class? I was invigilating their mid year exam, Sejarah Kertas 3 to be exact; An open book test where students are required to write an essay on a topic given. Just as I finished handing out the exam papers to all 35 students, one boy put his hand up and asked, “ujian apa hari ni, cikgu?” and I went, “HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHAT PAPER YOU ARE SITTING FOR ON THE DAY OF THE EXAM AND EVEN AFTER I HAVE HANDED OUT THE EXAM PAPER” silently in my head. Out loud, I said, “ujian Sejarah, kertas 3. Ujian ni boleh tengok buku, so keluarkan lah buku”. Half of the classroom started to rummage through their bags and looked under their tables for books while the other half put their heads down and went to sleep. Ten minutes into the exam, they were all just staring at their books, opened to the first page. I went to a boy and asked if he knew what he was supposed to do. He shook his head and continued staring at his book. Another boy looked at me pleadingly, and asked, “cikgu, macam mana nak buat ni?” No one was writing anything. No one. 
I went to one of the girls and asked her to read the question and then looked for the answer in the book. The first question she asked after I told her that was, “bab berapa tu?” and I could sense the whole class was waiting for me to tell her which chapter to open to. I knew then, that they have never read a single thing from their textbook nor have they learned anything in the past four months of school. Heck, I wouldn’t be going too far if I said they barely learned anything in the last 10 years of school. At that moment, I saw their future flashed through my eyes and I wanted to cry. 
I wanted to cry because it was unfair for them to be sitting for an exam that they are clearly not ready for. I wanted to cry because someone allowed this to happen. I wanted to cry because as I was explaining to some of the students on how to do the exam and they were eagerly listening, while I was quietly panicking because I am no way near being a Sejarah Form 4 teacher. I wanted to cry because I felt incompetent, wishing I remembered what I learned back in From 4 so that I can teach them something at that moment. I wanted to cry because it is not their fault. But most of all, I wanted to cry because I have 200 students and I have classes back to back from 7.30 AM up to 10.00PM every day that it would be completely impossible to take on new students. All I could think of was how if only all the educated people in the country would spend their time teaching these kids, then maybe, maybe I’d be writing a different story. 
I have never actually done this before; asking people to consider teaching. I believe that entering into the profession should come out of your own will. I have never recommended Teach for Malaysia to anyone. In fact, I’d be all-skeptical to anyone who are actually considering to join TFM. What are you in for? To have connections with top corporate partners? To meet CEOs of this and that? To be featured in newspapers, radio, magazines, online blogs? What are you in for? Is it the tagline? Is it really for the kids? I’ve been asked these questions before and I personally used to think that it was a fair concern. It needs to be out there that being a teacher, through TFM or not, is not even a tad bit glamorous. You don’t get paid on time, you’d be missing best friends’ weddings, family gatherings, birthdays etc., you have crazy deadlines and you’ll feel like crap because you don’t know how you’re doing. Nobody sends you a “good job” email on that awesome class you just had, or though you had. Are you sure you want to be a teacher? If you think it is a walk in the park, be rest assured that it’ll be the ghettoest, most messed up park you have ever walked in. I used to think that only the strong should be a teacher. Only those who know that they won’t quit should be a teacher. Today, I don’t care anymore. Today, I realized how desperate the country is and beggars, can’t be choosers. If you have gone through the education system and came out alive, teach. If you have no idea what to teach, trust me you’ll learn. You’d be surprised to meet kids who have never been told that cleanliness is a virtue, that rempit is not a legit career path, that you don’t have to give up at 16. 
Listen to me, drop everything you’re doing and come back to school. Teach them to be human beings because they need to know that screaming at a lady is not the way to speak, that not knowing how to read at 13 is not cool, that cursing at your teachers is rude and to talk back to your mother in front of everybody at school would get you to every hell of every single religion in the world. Teach. If you think it’s too hard and teaching isn’t your thing, then quit. But you can’t quit teaching if you have not actually tried teaching. My point is, every one should teach. Decide later if it is something you want to do in the long run. Just teach. Join TFM, do it the normal route, stop a kid in the middle of the road and ask him/her to tell you the multiplication table, tell him/her a random fact about Egypt or aeroplanes, teach them the right intonation after seeing a question mark, teach. 
If you think, all this doesn’t make sense and it’s just some really long facebook status/note by a crazy lady who just cried in a high school toilet, then darling, my dear, you have not taught in a classroom where half of them can barely read and write and the other half is just lost by this immense language barrier that no logical inspiring words can get through them. So teach. I am on my facebook knees.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Fastest 4 Years In Our Life

I'll try to make this entry short and sweet. It's been two years since I myself graduated from college, and the feeling is just ... it feels just like yesterday. This entry is dedicated to all of my juniors in CSM who just graduated from college two weeks ago. Proud of all of you.

So here you all are. Sometime between four and however many years it took, you’re leaving college.Where to from here? The answer to that question is varied. Many of you know (or claim to know) exactly the next step to take, whether that step is an internship, a full-time job, or even a backpacking trip through Europe. Others, will tell you that they have no idea. The big thing about college is learning about yourself. The last four years has definitely changed you. You're a totally different person than you were coming in as a freshman four years ago. I hope you're also a better one. You’ve learned so much about so much—your field, your interests, yourself, and so on—you would feel like, "were I to go back in time, my younger self wouldn’t even recognize me!" You can only hope this passion for learning carries over when you have to search out the info yourself instead of going to class and taking notes. I supposed real-life experience will teach all of us a lot either way.
To everyone who touched our lives, we say thank you. To parents who stood by us no matter what. To teachers who tried to instill in us a passion for learning. To administrators who wanted to make our college experiences as amazing as possible. To advisors who helped us decide what path to take. To friends who were there for pizza parties, study sessions, and everything in between. And to all those others we depend on. Without them—without each other—there would be no purpose to being here where we are now, no way to advance. Life, like society, is exactly what we make of it. And so, Colorado School of Mines Class of 2013, CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! It’s certainly a huge milestone. I’m sure most of you will remember that day—if not the night after—clearly for the rest of your lives.

On an informal note I would like to write this in Malay, there's no way I could express this in other language :)

Seriously, aku ucapkan congratulations utk korg, I know how that four years feel, susah senang, jatuh bangkit dgn kawan2 sume. That moment is absolutely precious. 4 tahun tu mengajar kita something, buat kita lebih kenal kawan2. And seriously rindu korang sume, cepat2 lah balik, nanti ramai2 keje kat KL boleh hangout together macam dulu2. I want it to be like the old times. And I have personal thanks to make to all these people:

Chang, Lupi & Pokchek - seriously, I love you! No one can replace my Chang, Lupi & Pocek. Thanks sebab selalu dengar story2 ak, masalah2 ak, selalu jaga aku, masak utk ak, lepak2 ngan ak, buat ak gelak time ak nak nangis. X de org yg bole replace korg. Walaupun korg sume muda dari ak, tapi ak rasa korg cm kakak2 abang2 ak pulak, I felt so close to you guys sometimes even more that friends in my own batch. Really thank you! Thank you sbb berjaya menahan dgn diri ak yg immature nie and my overactive tearducts :)

Sadiq, Jazli & Nadiah - korg source of my happiness time ak serabut. Bila serabut mmg wajib carik korg nk jamming seriously. Kalo dapat jamming ngan korg mmg boleh lupa masalah kejap. Main rockband ke or yg dance2 tu ke. And Sadiq, serious, ko dah banyak tolong aku masa kat CSM, be it homework EPICS or ape2 je lah, hahah glad to have the chance to know you. And Jazli selalu ngan lawak slamber nye, my favorite drummer. And Nadiah, slalu bagi ak main keyboard, and slalu mekap kan aku bila ada event and teman ak bila nk borak2 pasal shopping or shoes or handbags (pengganti kak Khairina lah kau Nadiah hahah)

And others: Wahid, Ikhlas, Bad, Fena, Nan, Daveen, Panda & Ezuan - Thank you korang sume for being a part of my life in CSM, it was precious to me and I hope to you as well, walaupun kita jarang melakukan aktiviti bersama hahah Wahid, the one yg ak slalu seek out pasal hal2 agama.  Ikhlas, dulu masa ak merempat kat rumah kau, ak ingat kau masak kari Ikan, thank you. Bad & Fena, selamat pengantin 'x berapa baru', cepat2 dapat baby heheh Nan & Daveen student rock prop ak dulu, sorry kalo ak garang hahah sampai skarang pun garang dengan junior kat tmpt keje, it's just me, being garang. Panda, ak ingat lagi masa ak tarik kau buat confession kat rumah Annex malam tu, oh my gosh, that night ak x lupa sampai skarang, rasa lawak pun ada. And Ezuan, yg bijak and always in his calm and collected self, thanks for the choki2 u bring back to me masa summer, mula2 nk simpan x nk makan, tapi habis jugak dlm seminggu heeeee.

P/s: Masa first time korg jumpa aku, mesti korg ingat bajet gila minah nie, sombong gila kannn tak tgk org kiri kanan. Tapi ak mmg mcm tu, pemalu skit nk tegur org baru, takes time, but once u know me, ak memang pelik (I have nothing good to say about myself anyways hahah)

All in all, hope u guys are ready to embark on a new journey. Good luck to all of you!

P/s: I deleted the photo on April 22, 2021

Monday, May 20, 2013

Just Because We Don't Talk Anymore

Just because we don't talk anymore, doesn't mean that I've forgotten about you, it doesn't mean that I no longer care. Truth is, I still do. I do my best to check up on you, to see how you're doing. To see if you're okay, but every time I get the urge to talk to you, it suddenly hits me that, we're strangers, you don't want me in your life, hence the reason why I'm no longer a part of you.
But, even though everything's changed; I just want you to know that, I'm still here. I'll still be here for you, I'll still lend you my shoulders and my ears. I don't care what time it is, what I'm doing. Don't hesitate to talk to me, because half the time, I wish that you were talking to me. I just really miss your presence, I miss you being my best friend. I just miss you in general.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Infamous Cup Song

The Cup Song has gone viral these days. I was tempted to do the cup song myself. So far, I've managed to learn the cup flipping along with the clapping technique. It was quite easy surprisingly.

Check out the link below to see the original cover of the Cup Song. This is not the original song though, it is an awesome cover of a song performed in 1937 by the Mainer's Mountanieers. The name of the original song is Miss Me When I'm Gone. Lulu & The Lampshades did a great job to make this wonderful cover. And then, this song appeared in Pitch Perfect movie; for all i know, Pitch Perfect gave credits to the girls for this awesome version. Later on Anna Kendrick make a cover version out of Pitch Perfect movie and made a music video for the song she covered.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The 8 Versions Of You

1. The one who doesn’t want to deal with society.

You are just not interested in seeing people, and have no real justification for that other than “my soul is tired.” You would much prefer staying in, keeping to yourself, and surfing on the internet (with chat feature safely off). It’s just that the outside world involves so much judgment, so much challenging interaction, and such a high risk of running into people you have absolutely zero interest in seeing. You are the person who is most happy when curled up in their blanket.

2. The one who can’t go out enough.

You are deeply considering getting “Where Is The Fucking Party” tattooed across your chest because it is one of those nights — as tends to happen once every so often, much like a werewolf — where you are looking to go out and get embarrassing. You just want to meet everyone, and ask them how they are doing, and tell them all about how shitty of a day you had over the dulcet tones of Pitbull.

3. The one who is filled with confidence.

You can do anything! You are beautiful, and lovely, and considerate, and filled with promise. You could spend an hour in front of your computer, taking selfies and thinking about how great it is to be alive and young in such an interconnected world. You are smart, and capable, and should have listened harder to all of the people who told you in your childhood that you were “gifted,” because that shit is true, and it is wonderful. Nothing can keep you down!

4. The one who thinks they are a total loser.

…Except for that moment, a mere four minutes later, in which you catch yourself in a particularly unflattering shot directed straight up your several chins. Then you hate yourself, as no one has ever hated anyone before, and can only think about the endless amount of things you will never be capable of doing or trying in your life. You are incompetent, and ugly, and will never get that many “likes” on your pictures because the universe is subtly trying to inform you that you are ugly. Life is horrible.

5. The one who has lots of dreams.

When you grow up (whenever that is because, let’s be real, you’re already well into your twenties and still consider yourself a fetus), you want to be a lawyer. No, wait, a dancer. A dancer/public defender who spends most of their spare time volunteering at schools for underprivileged children, teaching them about the magic of salsa and watching it transform their limited prospects in life. You are going to do all of this while taking the most punishingly twee Instagram photos the world has ever seen, and making all of the people who teased you in high school cripplingly jealous.

6. The one who wants to curl up and go to sleep.

You would rather die than think about how you get a job with a decent salary. Literally die. You don’t even want to know what benefits are, or how one acquires them, or what happens when you don’t have them. You would just like to curl up in a ball and eat yourself into an early grave with german chocolate cake.

7. The one who is hopelessly romantic and curious.

Everything is beautiful! You’re just obsessed with this old couple you saw walking down the street, holding hands. They represent all that is perfect and possible in this world, and you just want to follow them around with a little recorder, asking them questions about how they met and picking flowers for them. There is just so much loveliness to be found in this world, if one is only willing to look.

8. The one who wants to punch happy people in the face.

This obnoxious couple across from you in the metro has made the dire, unforgivable mistake of sitting across from whilst exhibiting the deep love they have for one another. This is the kind of shit you are just tired of dealing with, and you are beyond the point of being able to pretend that you don’t boil over with seething hatred for their amorous displays of joy. People are so inconsiderate, and it’s so uncool.