Saturday, August 31, 2013

Malaysia's 56th Independence Day

Seeing fireworks is like falling in love.

I don't know about you, maybe it's just me.

The colorful lights that make you smile,
and the thunderous sound that makes your heart beat fast!
All problems seem to disappear,
during that particular happy moment.

Yeah I love fireworks.

Happy Independence Day Malaysia. 56 years of wealth, peace and prosperity to all Malaysians :)

Banana Pancakes

It is neither a fond or hated memory. Yet, on the good days, I don’t remember. And on bad days, I do. I remember all of it in its entirety tightly pinned behind a picture frame permanently nailed to the walls of my mind. I should erase the pieces, but I choose to let it live inside because I will be able to play, replay, and pause those moments at my will. 

Come back and save me before it’s too late. 

Before all the colors in my world blend together and fade . . .

I want to see you again.

Courtesy of Solangel

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ada Apa Dengan Cinta

Ada apa dengan cinta
tapi aku pasti akan kembali
dalam satu purnama
untuk mempertanyakan kembali cintanya.
bukan untuknya, bukan untuk siapa
tapi untukku
karena aku ingin kamu,itu saja

Friday, August 23, 2013

Just A Friday Morning Thought

My whole life I’ve hated going to bed. I like falling asleep instead. Falling asleep is so much better than going to bed because you don’t get tangled up in the logistics. Going to bed invites anxiety. Going to bed means you have to confront a final moment of consciousness. I'm not a fan.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Edge Of Desire

I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe.
There I just said it,
I'm scared you'll forget about me.

John Mayer.

Je ne pouvais pas comprendre ce sentiment 
d'envie de voir la personne que j'aime.
S'il vous plaƮt n'oubliez jamais de moi.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Semuanya boleh berlaku dalam sekelip mata asal Allah bilang
kun faya kun.
Yang menjadi penyelamat bukan wang, kecantikan atau populariti,
tapi Al-Fatihah yang sebenar-benar Al-Fatihah,
Yassin yang sebenar-benar Yassin,
doa dan ibadah yang sebenar-benar doa dan ibadah.

Wani Ardy

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday Night Rambling

This is a state of grace
This is the worthwhile fight
Love is a ruthless game
Unless you play it good and right